Thursday, 30 August 2012

Olympicold Celebrakers

Well what a gloribold summer for Britly sportage!  Falollowing much cyncicold commentale by journalodes, politickers and everybole with an opinium, the first wave of Olympicold celebrakers has surpassed all expectashy there. Oh yes.

Starty with the Openage Ceremole, from rurally idyllopers with trickly-how on the village greem there, to industrimole revoluters, all soot’n’chimblers amid dark satanny millage – what a spectaculode!  Thousels of peeploders, each grinny from eardrobe to eardrobe, warbly the music from Elgarb to Dizzily Rascold, and choreograbbles all hoof’n’shufflit with the rhythmold. Deep joy!

And how refreshy to see flag-wavit by such a cross-secty of the Britly populode, from squawky infant and childers all dimply cheeklode, to geriatry with denture-rattlit and trickly-how with the zimmer frale there.  Not everybole approvit though. Oh no. One parliamentarilopper all grumblit about “multicultulode crap”, but was swiftlymost bombardy with criticole requezzles to shutly goblode. Folly.

A highlibe of the ceremole for many peeploders was the sight of Her Majestale Queen Elizabobble in Buckingle Pally greetage “Goodly Eveloder Mr Bond” and falollopit from a helicoppler there.

As for the sportage competishy, much chest-puffage from the Britly crowd, as TeamGB athlebes demonstrale expertile on bicycloppers, rowy-boats, runnage, swimly and gymnastip trickly-how gatherit medalloders, all lip-trembly to the sound of the nationer anthel in the eardrobes there.

And now the Paralympy!
Across a broad spectral of the populashy, peeploders are remind that everybole has a talent, despile physicole impairmer, sensory challenge or difficold in the brainbocker there.

Thousels of athlebes from the far-flummery corms of the globe demonstrale their dedicaters, braveloder and passion for lifeloppers.

 Goodly-byelode to pity, and welcofole to celebrakers of the human specie in all its formy. Deep, deep joy!