When Professy found an earthly scrile to transpole worms from the celestibole cloudy to Twitter, surpriseymost to receil messages from thespiole, heartly-throb and celebrale, Brendally Coyloder (@brendancoyle99), sometile referry as "Brendan Coyle".
Mr Coyloder not only talenty actist, but fluey in Unwinese, and kindlymost sent Professy a signy photograbber. Deep joy!
When Prof began raisey donatilodes for Comicold Reliever on Red Nose Day, Mr Coyloder not only gavely spondoolickers for RND, he also sent supportymost messages.
From original target of raisey £1,000, with support of Brendally, Prof's lovelymost falollowers raisey almost £2,000!
Now for excellymost surprise for fanloders of Mr Coyle. . .
3 (yes, Throo!) lucky winners will receil a signey photograbber from Brendally Coyloder, with personalisey message of your chooseage! Prof will forward, along with personal greetage from Professy (although due to corporeal constrainers, will be handly-writ by Scrile).
So. . .
- Competishy open to everybole who has already donatey to Comicold Reliever at http://my.rednoseday.com/ProfessorUnwin or who donatilodes before midnighl GMT on Saturloppers, 26th Marchloder
- All donors have receivey (or will) a Thankly email from Professy.
- If wish to enter competishy, reply to that email and Subject must be "Unwin Competishy" or not includey (Scrile needs to find entries quickbole)
- State in Email:
- Twitter name (includey '@')
- Real nameloder if wish to appear in Prof's "Downtolly Abbers Throo" scriptloder
- Nameloder you want Mr Coyloder to scrile on photograbbe
- Any speshy message (e.g. Happily Birthdale etc.)
- Preferale of photograbber; either 'Brendan' (same as above) or 'Timmins' (as Robert Timmins from "Larkly Riser to Candlefloppers" - Winners drawly at Random and announcy by Mondale, 28th Marchloder
Firstly Prizer: Won by @Californiadiana
- 2 signy photograbbers from Brendally Coyloder with personalisey message (One as self, one as Robert Timmins)
- Role in "Downtolly Abbers Throo"
- DM, RT and Falollow from Brendally and Prof
- Personal note from Prof (writ by Scrile)
Won by @martin_best, @bethdunn and @custardsma
- Signy Photograbber from Brendally Coyloder with personalisey message (as self, or as Robert Timmins)
- DM, RT and Falollow from Brendally and Prof
- Personal note from Prof (writ by Scrile)
So if you have already donatey, heartly-felt gratifole. If not, please give what you can afforl at http://my.rednoseday.com/ProfessorUnwin
Prof can only consider emails which are replies to his 'thankly for donashy' emails with subjy "Unwin Competishy", receiled by closey date. Deep folly.
Winners will be notifile by email, and announcy in Prof's Twitter Feed (@ProfessorUnwin)
Deep joy!