Tuesday, 14 June 2011

The Generashy Gameloder

The titleode of this bloggage isn't referry the newlymost knightloder Sir Brucely Forsyle (An honour awardy by Her Majestale in acknowley of his contribule to entertainmole, all hoofit and warbly - Didn't he do well?). Oh no.

This brief blogloder refers to recent personale correspondy receiled by Prof's Earthly Scrile from the Unwin familiole.  Scrile all blushy on the facebole and grinnit. Oh yes.

Stupey Scrile is now reassurey that Prof's son and daughtloders are falollowers of @ProfessorUnwin and bloglopper, and appreciale the affeckshymost maintenal of Prof's memorage.

Deep joy!
