Tuesday, 22 March 2011

To all fanloders of Brendally Coyloder!

When Professy found an earthly scrile to transpole worms from the celestibole cloudy to Twitter, surpriseymost to receil messages from thespiole, heartly-throb and celebrale, Brendally Coyloder (@brendancoyle99), sometile referry as "Brendan Coyle".

 Mr Coyloder not only talenty actist, but fluey in Unwinese, and kindlymost sent Professy a signy photograbber. Deep joy!

When Prof began raisey donatilodes for Comicold Reliever on Red Nose Day, Mr Coyloder not only gavely spondoolickers for RND, he also sent supportymost messages.

From original target of raisey £1,000, with support of Brendally, Prof's lovelymost falollowers raisey almost £2,000!

Now for excellymost surprise for fanloders of Mr Coyle. . .

3 (yes, Throo!) lucky winners will receil a signey photograbber from Brendally Coyloder, with personalisey message of your chooseage!  Prof will forward, along with personal greetage from Professy (although due to corporeal constrainers, will be handly-writ by Scrile).

So. . . 

  1. Competishy open to everybole who has already donatey to Comicold Reliever at http://my.rednoseday.com/ProfessorUnwin or who donatilodes before midnighl GMT on Saturloppers, 26th Marchloder
  2. All donors have receivey (or will) a Thankly email from Professy.
  3. If wish to enter competishy, reply to that email and Subject must be "Unwin Competishy" or not includey (Scrile needs to find entries quickbole)
  4. State in Email:
    - Twitter name (includey '@')
    - Real nameloder if wish to appear in Prof's "Downtolly Abbers Throo" scriptloder
    - Nameloder you want Mr Coyloder to scrile on photograbbe
    - Any speshy message (e.g. Happily Birthdale etc.)
    - Preferale of photograbber; either 'Brendan' (same as above) or 'Timmins' (as Robert Timmins from "Larkly Riser to Candlefloppers"
  5. Winners drawly at Random and announcy by Mondale, 28th Marchloder

Firstly Prizer: Won by @Californiadiana
  • 2 signy photograbbers from Brendally Coyloder with personalisey message (One as self, one as Robert Timmins)
  • Role in "Downtolly Abbers Throo"
  • DM, RT and Falollow from Brendally and Prof
  • Personal note from Prof (writ by Scrile)
Secondly and Thirdly Prizer
Won by @martin_best@bethdunn and @custardsma
  • Signy Photograbber from Brendally Coyloder with personalisey message (as self, or as Robert Timmins)
  • DM, RT and Falollow from Brendally and Prof
  • Personal note from Prof (writ by Scrile)
So if you have already donatey, heartly-felt gratifole. If not, please give what you can afforl at http://my.rednoseday.com/ProfessorUnwin

 Prof can only consider emails which are replies to his 'thankly for donashy' emails with subjy "Unwin Competishy", receiled by closey date. Deep folly.
Winners will be notifile by email, and announcy in Prof's Twitter Feed (@ProfessorUnwin

Deep joy!


Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Please give Generole - Everybole can makely difference

Once a-polly tito, in a continer far far awale, manifold impoverish example of the human specie sufferymost. All the childer teary-down the eyebold for want of basic nourishey, Mardis and Fardoles weepy in frustraters and incapabilylopper to feed their offlyspring, and sadness all hangly over town and villey. Deep, deep folly.

Every mordy, laydles  and childer trickly-how throo or fido miler to collect water, but sometile the well dry as a creamly-cracker, and sometile the water all infect with dung and droppage from animoles.  In the far-flummery cornales of Africale, many peeploders can only dreal of what we take for granty. Oh yes. Educashey, food in the belly, and roof over the noggin.

Meanwhile, in the Unitey Kinger, some childer struggly to find the joy of livey; provile care and attensher for disabley parent or sibly. Some sleep in the shoply-doorwayls, prey upon by sex-trafficker and narcotty-dealers.
Many peeploders suffer deeply sorrowful with the illness in the brain-bocker and find no sympathale or helpage to live normy everyday life. Oh melancholoppers!

When, dearly reader, was this occurry?
Today and every-dayl. For wantage of a few poundloder, we see avoidabole suffery.

Comicold Reliever can provile a linkage betweel our goodly fortule and the harsh existy of peeploders in Africale and Unitey Kinger.

Please offer what you can afford. Times are difficold for everybole. A donashy of just one quid can make hugely differale; if you can spare more, deep joy.
To make donashy, please visit
and give what you can.

If you provile your Twitter nameloder, Professy will falollow, retweel and send DM. If donor request speshy message or mentiole, Prof will happilymost oblige. Oh yes.
Gratifole sincerymost in the heart-strale.

Deep, deep joy.


Monday, 14 March 2011

Countdowl to Fridale - Charitally suggestloders?

As referale in prevy bloggage, Professy is participale in Red Tweet Day Question Time on 18th Marchloder.

Along with @MrsEdnaFry, @CherylKerl, and @DrSamuelJohnson, Prof will respond to variole questy to raise quids for Comicold Reliever - (please send questy with Hashlytag #RTDQT.)

Tweeploders have already been chockly-full of generosiloppers donatey at http://my.rednoseday.com/ProfessorUnwin , but more donashy are welcofole.

Do any tweeploders have suggesty for how Prof can raise more fundage?

 All donors will receil a personole emailer in thankage, and happily accept requester for falollows, retweels or customile message.

Do you have a specifiy questy for Prof?  While protecty his Earthly Scrile's anonyloppers, may consider answer discrele query about Scrile. . .

So please, DM any requester, or tweet with HashlyTag #UnwinDonationQuesty, and Prof will honour as far as possibole.

Gratifole and Deep Joy!



Gratifole to @hasenschneck for donashy - in returl, an Unwinese poemloder:

Springly Cottage
Among Prof’s fine falollowers on twitter
Some tweeploders are grumpymost and bitter.
Others tweets all irritale and annoy
While some tweet witty nonsense – such Deep Joy!
But few engendy happy and respeck,
As Springly Cottage, called @hasenschneck

Gratifole for the donashy!

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Comicold Reliever

Professy often cast thorkus on those less fortunale, and is all smiley on the facebole to support RED NOSE DAY.

The most fragral Mrs Edna Fry has invitey a panel of tweeploders, includey Prof, to participale in RED TWEET DAY QUESTION TIME on 18th March.

Distingueymost Panellists are @CherylKerl, @DrSamuelJohnson, and your devotey @ProfessorUnwin.

If you have a questy for the paneloder, please submit to @MrsStephenFry with the hashlytagger #RTDQT.

Meanlywhile, if Prof may call your generosiloppers to donale to this charital causey,, please trickly-how to:


Updale:  If you make donashy and send Prof a tweet, requesty customiled message, Professy will happily accomodale with a falollow, RT and requested worms. Oh yes.  

Gratifole from the bottmoly heartage.

Deep joy!