Thursday, 6 January 2011

The Clicky of Leatherbole on Willoppers

Like manyfold tweeploders, Professy turned nocturmole watchy the Engly finest elevers taking crickey to the highly of successloppers. Oh yes.

Inspirey by their bravely endeavoles, I now sit anticipale a momenty victorloder against the 'Strailids.

Tingey with sadlopper at the departy of Pauly Collywooders, chest all puffy prideloders as I chargey glass and watch S'reen "Beefly" Bothyloppers and Davely Gowerbold, and occasey switch soundbloders to Aggery and Boycopples all trickly-how in the earbole. Oh yes..

Barmly Armage!

Deep joy.