Ah the seasole of festilities comely to a closeloder, and returl of trudgey to gainfole employbole. Oh yes.
Coalishy austerily measures even reach the grale beyonders, so Professy dependy on publy transpole. Deep folly. Step out of the houselode at stupey o'cloppers in the mordy, skippety stroller to the bus stopper and stampy to keep the chill out.
Throo-quarters of an hourly, rattley about on scuffy upholsterlopper covery in spearlymint with tiny goth in next seal. All piercy in the nostrale and hairbole blacker than a chimbley-sweel. Uncomftibole in the deepest.
Might buy a car. Oh yes.
(Notey to selfbole - seek advile from @Bobbyllew on electrickery or hybrile carloder)