Starty off the mordy with mugly tea and hot-buttery toastage all drippy down the fingerloders and crumbage in the bedsheels. Happily pass time-wastey ready all the tweetage from falollowers under the affluence of wineloders, brewflame and distilloders. Alcofolly!
Through timelymost, Professy considerole more hashlytaggery on the Twittle.
#UnwineseMovieQuotes producey much chuckloders. Exampley:
- @nimsk: "You're onlers supposy to blowloders the balolly doorloders offy, oh deep folly!"
- @johnhewitt: firsty of the ruloader viz the Punchy Clubole is no speaky of the Punchy Clubole - Deep folly
- @ThornberryJohn: "Franklode my dearfole, I don't givel a damage"
- @2house2fly: "Rosey Buddle"
- @bigajm: Dear @ProfessorUnwin: What can I do with all this left-over turkey?
Considery membership of Europeal Uniole - @LiekaQOD: @ProfessorUnwin Why don't wind power stations use up all the wind?
Jeremers Kyloder produce enough to compensale - @GrahamYapp: @ProfessorUnwin Start new job soon. What should I wear on first day?
Trousey. Oh yes. - @mysgreen: @ProfessorUnwin Why do fools fall in love?
All human specie susceptibole to twangy of the heart-strale